Relation between cocaine and / or crack addction, antisocial personality disorder and psychopathy in patients admitted to a rehabilitation
Drug Addiction, Antisocial Personality Disorder, PsychopathyAbstract
Drug Addiction – DA – is a public and national health issue. In this context, a significant increase on cocaine and/or crack consumption is observed in the last few years. This study aimed to investigate the association between Cocaine and/or Crack Addiction, Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) and psychopathy, and through its results, discuss possibilities and difficulties on the treatment of patients with such personality disorders and comorbidities. 30 Males in patients with a diagnose of drug addiction and ages raging from 19 to 53 years old (M= 30,30; SD= 8,44) took part in this survey. Study participants answered to the Drug
Abuse Screening Test ( DAST), the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview (M.I.N.I Plus) and the HARE PCL-R Scale. The results showed that the majority of cocaine and/or crack addicts were unemployed, single and carried a positive association with the psychopathy characteristics. Aside from these findings, it was also noted a high level of ASPD symptoms in this population. It is evident the need of DA treatments to address specific aspects of ASPD and psychopathy symptoms in order to obtain more effective results in the DA’s reduction and prevention.
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