Transcranial magnetic stimulation


  • Maria Celia Vitor de Souza Brangioni Médica psiquiatra. Especialista em Dependência Química pela Universidade Estácio de Sá (RJ). Professora Colaboradora da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília (2011)
  • Mercêdes Jurema de Oliveira Alves Médica psiquiatra, formada pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), secretária geral da Associação Brasileira de Estimulação Cerebral (ABECer)



transcranial magnetic stimulation, neurophysiology, depression treatment, depression


The search for the ideal therapy for the treatment of mental illnesses grows every year. In the case of depression, for example, one third of patients do not respond to initial antidepressant treatment after 4-8 weeks, according to an article in the Revista Debates em Psiquiatria - RDP, published in May 2016 (click here to read in full). According to the update article written by doctors Maria Cristina Montenegro and Amaury Cantilino, "even using adequate therapy, 50-85% of cases recur and 20% become chronic. Among patients who suffer from major depression, 10% are chronically resistant to various psychopharmacological interventions". In addition to the advances made in the area of psychopharmacology, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation - TMS seems to be a promising treatment. EMT consists of stimulation of the cerebral cortex, which already has proven benefits in neurological and psychiatric diseases.

Author Biographies

Maria Celia Vitor de Souza Brangioni, Médica psiquiatra. Especialista em Dependência Química pela Universidade Estácio de Sá (RJ). Professora Colaboradora da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de Brasília (2011)

Mercêdes Jurema de Oliveira Alves, Médica psiquiatra, formada pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), secretária geral da Associação Brasileira de Estimulação Cerebral (ABECer)



How to Cite

Brangioni MCV de S, Alves MJ de O. Transcranial magnetic stimulation. PABP [Internet]. 2017 Aug. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];4. Available from:



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