Competency matrix in psychiatry
competency matrix, teaching, medical residency, psychiatryAbstract
In this article, we will discuss the competencies of the Competency Matrix of the Medical Residency Program in Psychiatry and the importance of each of them. In the construction of the current competence matrix of the Medical Residency in Psychiatry, the following skills to be acquired and mastered by future specialists in the area were considered: Diagnose, treat and prevent diseases or mental disorders accurately; Master clinical tools and complementary exams for the diagnosis and treatment of different diseases or mental disorders in different age groups; Develop a respectful and productive relationship with patients, family members and other health professionals, in different cultural contexts. Master the interactions between psychopathology, genetics, neurobiology, biography, medical history, personality and patient relationships in developing an understanding of the individual in their cultural and social context; Master the indication, performance and follow-up of psychotherapies, psychopharmacotherapy and other treatments for mental illnesses or disorders; Apply expert activity in psychiatry; Master tools for prevention, health promotion and recovery from illness or mental disorders. Such skills were described in the objective item. With this new document, the minimum training of a psychiatrist is established and helps in the creation of specific forms of evaluation.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Leonardo Rodrigo Baldaçara, Fernando Antonio Pedrosa Fidelis, Thiago Marques Fidalgo, Marcelo Bruno Generoso, Ives Cavalcante Passos, Maria da Penha Zago-Gomes , Viviane Cristina Uliana Peterle , Roberta Rossi Grudtner , Deisy Mendes Porto, Antônio Geraldo da Silva
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