The importance of family interventions in the treatment of eating disorders
Eating disorders, family therapy, familybased treatment, systemic family therapyAbstract
Eating disorders are characterized by inappropriate eating behaviors, with great impairment to the individual’s physical health and psychosocial relationships and with strong impact on family relationships and on caregivers. As the age of onset of these symptoms usually lies withinadolescence and young adulthood, the family system may contribute to the improvement of the clinical condition and maintenance of the gains achieved. Therefore, several studies focusing on family interventions and family participation have been conducted. The initial focus of family therapies for eating disorders was anorexia nervosa (AN), due to its severity. However, over time, successful approaches have been adapted to other eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa (BN) and avoidant restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID). Currently, family-based treatment (FBT) is considered the gold standard for family inclusion in the treatment of Eds, with a wide body of evidence suggesting positive results. In this article, in addition to FBT, we will also address systemic family therapy, with a focus on changes in family dynamics.
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