Sociodemographic, Psychiatric, and Criminal Profile of Men under Security Measures in the Southeastern State of Brazil
cessation of dangerousness, imputability, safe measure, forense psychiatry, custody hospitalsAbstract
Introduction: In Brazil, individuals with mental disorders who have committed crimes may be considered non-imputable and a security measure is indicated. Risk assessment will determine the best treatment modality, and is influenced by references disseminated among the literature, with little data on the importance of regional characteristics. Objective: To understand the sociodemographic, psychiatric and criminal profile of individuals in custody in the State of São Paulo, Brazil, and to identify which factors influence risk assessment. Methods: Retrospective study containing 705 expert reports (defining the dangerousness of individuals under security measures), carried out in custody centers in São Paulo, Brazil. CEP Opinion No. 5,947,583. Results: More than 75% of the sample did not exceed 8 years of schooling; 83.3% were not in a stable relationship. More than half of the individuals being examined (52.3%) had committed violent crimes; 74.5% were repeat offenders. The most prevalent diagnoses were substance use disorders (66.5%). The most important variables related to risk maintenance were absence of a stable relationship (OR 1.79, CI 1.1-2.9), violent crime (OR 2.09, CI 1.5-2.9), intellectual disability (OR 2.34, CI 1.5-3.7), personality disorder (OR 5.77, CI 3.3-10.1) and psychosis (OR 5.38, CI 3.7-7.9). Discussion: Most of the findings confirm the literature. However, substance use disorders and criminal recidivism had no statistically significant relationship with the expert conclusion, highlighting the uniqueness of the sample. Conclusion: Differences between the studied population and references in the international literature highlight the importance of regional peculiarities and demonstrate the need for studies in different locations.
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