Analysis of the nursing assistance to the mentally ill at a general hospital in the metropolitan region of Goiânia (State Of Goiás), Brazil
Nursing assistance, mentally ill, urgency hospitalAbstract
The objective of this article is to comment on the rights granted by Law 10,216/2001 regarding the assistance provided to patients with mental illnesses living in the municipality of Trindade (state of Goiás) and in surrounding towns who seek clinical, surgical, and/or emergency care at Hospital de Urgências de Trindade (GO) (HUTRIN). Based on theabove-mentioned law, the institution assessed is committed to meeting the health care needs of this specific population, even though a psychiatric ward is not available at the hospital. This study discusses the importance of training the nursing team of the hospital to ensure delivery of dignified, decent assistance, as prescribed by law, to patients with mental illnesses, the exercise of their rights, and the failures of public health policies and local institutions.
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