Association of therapies and technologies for stuttering: advances, controversies and challenges


  • Leonardo Marengo Facultad de Psicología, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Córdoba, Argentina.
  • Roberta Covosque Schultz Consultório particular.
  • Thiago Strahler Rivero Consultório particular.



Stuttering, treatment, technology


In this paper we discuss how the use of technologies (such as virtual reality) associated with modern treatment approaches (such as cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT] with mindfulness) can contribute to moreeffective results in the treatment of stuttering. Old treatments, which focused solely on behavioral therapy, with priority use of exposure therapy, have been replaced and/or associated with new approaches using CBT as the basis of the treatment process. Currently, protocols that aim to spread the use of virtual reality technologies, video games and transcranial stimulation with this new expanded therapeutic focus, aiming to decrease anticipatory/social anxiety together while at the same time gain full attention and perception of internal and external anxiety triggers, are consistently changing the scenario of stuttering treatment. In this article, we will consider several seminal and new works that demonstrate that simulation technologies of real life situations are the practices that have shown the best results in the treatment of stuttering.


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How to Cite

Marengo L, Schultz RC, Rivero TS. Association of therapies and technologies for stuttering: advances, controversies and challenges. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 1 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];10(4):38-42. Available from:

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