Switch to mania after Ayahuasca consumption in a man with bipolar disorder: case report and literature review
Ayahuasca, bipolar disorder, switch to maniaAbstract
Ayahuasca is a tea obtained through the mixture of Brazilian plants. There are several hypotheses that corroborate its antidepressant effects by inhibition of the monoamine oxidase (MAO) enzyme, and there have been reports of switch to mania after its use. This paper describes the case of a 30-year-old man previously diagnosed with bipolar disorder I (BD I), who switched to mania in a mixed episode after consumption of the tea, with remission after abstinence and mood stabilizingtherapy. The literature is still scarce and few case reports have been published so far. In addition to describing the switch to mania, the report highlights the increase of suicidal ideation and behavior associated with the use of the tea in this population. In view of the switch to mania observed in a patient with BD, this report corroborates the hypothesis of antidepressant effects of ayahuasca.
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