Religiosity/spirituality in clinical practice: what does the psychiatrist need to do?
Religion, spirituality, assessment, treatment, psychotherapyAbstract
There is a robust and diversified body of evidence indicating the importance of religiousness and spirituality (R/S) for mental health.
It is known the importance and impact that the R/S have on health. However, due to lack of training on this topic, most health professionals have difficulties in dealing with the R/S in clinical practice. This paper presents a brief orientation of some practical guidelines to approach R/S in general and psychiatric clinical care. Professionals are advised to take a spiritual history as part of the initial evaluation of all patients, providing the opening for a dialogue on this issue and determining the proper treatment. In some cases, it may be necessary to challenge beliefs that are being used in harmful ways or, contact the religious leader. Criteria are discussed that aid in the distinction between spiritual experiences and mental disorders. Finally, the article briefly discusses psychotherapeutic interventions that include R/S. We conclude that issues of R/S have important implications for people’s mental health and should be taken in consideration in training of mental health professionals and be incorporated in health care. The development and implementation of clinical implications of R/S in mental health care are among the main challenges in the area.
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