Considerations regarding the fragility of hypotheses in psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy


  • João Romildo Bueno Professor-Titular, Faculdade de Medicina, Instituto de Psiquiatria (IPUB), UFRJ Setor de Pós-graduação, Mestrado Profissionalizante, FASEH



method, hypothesis, psychiatry, psychopharmacotherapy


In this work, a draft of an essay, the aim is to demonstrate the fragility of the current hypotheses in the field of psychiatry and neuroscience by using a randomly chosen example. The examples adopted are not judged on their “value”, but simply on whether or not they should be accepted as a basis for “classifications” and the creation of “guidelines”, “algorithms” or “decision trees” to guide “diagnosis” or “evidence” that one or another criterion should prevail over another when it comes to choosing a therapeutic intervention. The core of the work is the use of the “method resource” as an indispensable part of psychiatric thinking.


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Author Biography

João Romildo Bueno, Professor-Titular, Faculdade de Medicina, Instituto de Psiquiatria (IPUB), UFRJ Setor de Pós-graduação, Mestrado Profissionalizante, FASEH


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How to Cite

Bueno JR. Considerations regarding the fragility of hypotheses in psychiatry and psychopharmacotherapy. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2012 Oct. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];2(5):16-21. Available from:

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