The chemically dependent support program in practice: description, analysis and difficulties
Health Policy, Alcohol, WorkAbstract
The chemical dependence on the workplace, by causing damage to the user, the functioning of the teamwork and the institution as a whole, highlight the need for the policies aimed at the restoration of workers’ mental health. The Government of the Federal District, through the Program of Attention to the Chemical Dependent, delivering specialized treatment to chemical dependents. A multidisciplinary team conducts follow-up psychiatric and psychotherapeutic care individual and group, biopsychosocial assessment, general information to their respective families and guidance to managers in topics such as prevention, early detection of chemical dependence in the work environment and conducting appropriate intervention. The purpose of this study is to describe the Program of Attention to the Chemical dependent after a year of publication of the ordinance which created and present the profile of employee that were in itapproved, as well as the difficulties encountered and the new guidelines drawn from the experience with this group.
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Copyright (c) 2012 Karinne Tavares Borges, Sonia Gerhardt Rezende, Marcela Favarini Nunes , Fernando Luís Demétrio Pereira

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