Bullying, workplace suffering, and their consequences
Bullying, workplace suffering, illness at workAbstract
Situations involving bullying in the workplace can be one of the causes of psychological distress and sometimes lead to mental disorders, which in turn may have impacts in terms of absence from work. According to the Brazilian social security system, the number of claims for illness benefits due to mental problems has been growing and may soon be the leading cause of absence from work. The present study was based mainly on the theory Christophe Dejours, according to which work can cause suffering and illness to workers. The objective is to present a brief summaryof moral bullying applied to the workplace, the resulting psychic suffering, in addition to a description of the illness process and the consequences of moral bullying. This study used a qualitative approach, and the methodology was the case study, through content analysis of the reports of an employee who claims to have suffered bullying at work. Details of the work relationship as well as of the diagnosis made by the medical team are included.
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