Ten years of experience with therapeutic justice in Brazil
therapeutic justice, outpatient clinic hospital, public prosecutor's office, psychiatry, mental health, drugs dependency, harmful use, alcohol, ethanol, cannabis, marijuana, cocaine, crack, drugsAbstract
Introduction: Therapeutic Justice (TJ) emerged in the United States in 1989 to reduce the prison population associated with drug-related crimes. Focused on the rehabilitation and treatment of offenders, TJ holds promising potential for reducing recidivism and facilitating social reintegration, thereby alleviating prison overcrowding and reducing the demand on the judiciary. In Brazil, it began in Rio Grande do Sul in 2000 and in São Paulo in 2002. Objective: Describe the construction of Project TJ by the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State of São Paulo and its partnership with the Medical Outpatient Specialty Clinic in Psychiatry, Dr. Jandira Masur (AME Psychiatry), under the management of the São Paulo Association for the Development of Medicine (SPDM), providing data on the profile and outcome of 150 patients referred by the TJ to the AME Psychiatry from March 2012 to December 2022. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study with data from 150 authors of offenses referred by the Public Prosecutor's Office to AME Psychiatry in the TJ Program between March 2012 and December 2022. Results: Of those referred who accepted the proposal of penal transaction or conditional suspension of the process, 59.80% fully complied with the benefit. The majority (49%) had a disorder related to alcohol use, followed by cannabis-related disorder (17%) and cocaine or crack-related disorder (10%). 14% were not evaluated and 2% did not have a diagnosis according to ICD-10. Conclusion: The partnership between the Public Prosecutor's Office and the AME Psychiatry in the northern zone of São Paulo has enabled access to treatment for offenders with mental disorders related to the use of alcohol and other drugs. The ten-year experience of this collaboration suggests a replicable model for other regions, even with limited financial resources, demonstrating the sustainability of the TJ Program. This practical description can support future studies that demonstrate the program's efficacy in Brazil.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ariella Hasegawa Galvão Santos, Mário Sérgio Sobrinho, Rodney Clayde Bolsone Elias da Silva, Francisco Xavier Pauliquevis de Almeida Prado, Patricia Takesaki Miyaji Naricawa, Pedro Ferreira Leite Neto, Ronaldo Ramos Laranjeira
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