Eating attitudes among medical students: an analytical cross-sectional study


  • Ana Flávia Losi Graduanda, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil
  • Luís Henrique Knaul Graduando, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil
  • Taís Cristina Paludo Graduanda, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil
  • Tatiane Muniz Barbosa Professora, Medicina, Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil
  • Paola de Lima Professora, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil



Eating Behavior, Risk factors, Medicine, Observational study


Introduction: The act of eating occupies an influential position in everyday relationships due to its complexity related to the construction of human identity. Eating disorders (EDs), characterized by a persistent disturbance in eating or eating behavior, can configure aspects related to the integrity of physical and mental health. Objective: To analyze the presence of risk factors for the development of EDs during undergraduate medical school. Method: This is an analytical cross-sectional study, with a quantitative and qualitative approach, following the guidelines of Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE), with the application of questionnaires to students of a medical school in Santa Catarina. The first questionnaire identifies sociodemographic characteristics and lifestyle habits, while the Eating Attitudes Test-26 sought to highlight signs and symptoms of EDs. Discussion: The results indicate a predominance of female students, young people and those who perform physical activity weekly. Among the participants, 40% reported being influenced by their eating habits, 82% felt anxious, and 58% felt the use of legal or illegal drugs. They reported concern about food and the idea of ​​having fat in their bodies, in addition to thinking about calories and showing concern for their body image. The presence of indicators for the development of EDs is shown more clearly in students in the clinical cycle. Conclusion: Medical schools should consider strategies that seek to prevent eating disorders and promote quality of life for medical students, with a view to mental health.


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Author Biographies

Ana Flávia Losi, Graduanda, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil

Luís Henrique Knaul, Graduando, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil

Medical academic.

Taís Cristina Paludo, Graduanda, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil

Medical academic.

Tatiane Muniz Barbosa, Professora, Medicina, Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil

Professor of the medical course.

Paola de Lima, Professora, Medicina, Centro Universitário para o Desenvolvimento do Alto Vale do Itajaí, UNIDAVI, Rio do Sul, SC, Brasil

Professor of the medical course.


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How to Cite

Losi AF, Knaul LH, Paludo TC, Barbosa TM, Lima P de. Eating attitudes among medical students: an analytical cross-sectional study. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2025 Mar. 8 [cited 2025 Mar. 10];15:1-18. Available from:

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