Cognitive therapy: applicability of the “think healthy” technique
Cognitive therapy, quality of life, health promotionAbstract
Cognitive therapy was developed by Aaron Beck in the 1960s, based on his work with patients diagnosed with depression. The basis of cognitive therapy is that mood and negative behaviors result from rigid, distortedthinking. Thus, patients behave as if a given situation were worse than it really is. Cognitive psychotherapy requires the patient to actively engage in both the therapeutic process and the prevention of relapse, becoming their own therapist. In early sessions, patients are often unable to see the potential of the therapy in promoting change, but as treatment evolves, the benefits become evident. In Brazil, the development of cognitive therapy dates from the late 1980s. Currently, over 300 controlled clinical trials demonstrate its efficacy. This article describes the clinical case of Laura, an undergraduate student of physiotherapy who used to perform poorly in oral presentations and exams. These situations were either avoided by the patient or faced with intense fear and anxiety. The “think healthy” technique, systematized based on concepts of health promotion, quality of life, decision making, and cognitive therapy, was adapted according to the conceptualization of the specific problem.
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