Do patients under the care of medical residents have longer lengths of stay at psychiatric hospitals?
Medical residents, length of stay, admissionAbstract
Objecti ve: The training of medical residents may have an impact on the durati on of medical procedures, with consequences related to length of hospital stay and increased health care costs. The aim of this study is to compare hospitalizati on ti me among pati ents under the care of medical residents vs. those under the care of assistant physicians. Methods: This was an observati onal study conducted with data collected from the Medical Archive and Stati sti cs Service (Serviço de Arquivo Médico e Estatí sti co [SAME]) of Insti tuto de Psiquiatria de Santa Catarina, São José, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Data covering the period from January 01 2007 to January 31 2014 were collected by the investi gators, and the mean length of hospital stay was calculated for each year. Results: Between 2007 and 2014, there were a total of 13,971 admissions and readmissions. No stati sti cally signifi cant diff erences were found between the mean length of stay among pati ents under the care of medical residents vs. those under the care of the psychiatriststaff. In the stratified analysis according to sex, there was a difference between the groups only for the years 2007, 2013 and 2014, for the female inpatient unit. Conclusions: The results of this study suggest that the assistance of medical residents in psychiatry does not have a significant impact on the length of stay of patients with acute psychiatric illnesses.
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