Pre-history of psychotherapy in brazil: the animal magnetism in Brazil, 1823-1887


  • Fernando Portela Câmara MD, PhD, Professor Associado, UFRJ Coordenador, Depto Informática da AB



animal magnetism, psychotherapy, history of psychotherapy in Brazil


The introduction of animal magnetism as claimed by Leopoldo medical practice Gamard in 1832, was frustrated by the member of the Society of Medicine of Rio de Janeiro, Renato Augusto Cuissart, following the same logic that accusatory Mesmer suffered in Paris. Despite this rejection, the Society of Medicine - National Academy of Medicine today - failed to curb the entry of this controversial method in Brazil, and the practice of magnetism between us was actually used until the arrival of the big news of the suggestive therapy or hypnotism.


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How to Cite

Câmara FP. Pre-history of psychotherapy in brazil: the animal magnetism in Brazil, 1823-1887. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2013 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];3(3):34-8. Available from:

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