Impact of obesity on immune function and depressive disorder: integrative review
depressive disorder, immune system, obesity, inflammation, cytokinesAbstract
Objective: This integrative review aims to search and analyze scientific evidence on the relationship between obesity, immune function, and depressive disorder. Methods: The present study is a descriptive review of literature concerning the keywords: obesity, depression, immunologic, inflammation, psychoneuroimmunology and cytokines. The inclusion criteria were: articles published in english; articles referring to the integrative review and articles published and indexed in the PubMed database in the last 17 years. Results: A large amount of evidence indicates that immune function seems to be compromised in obesity and has, through this, a relationship in the trigger of depressive symptom. However, more evidence is still needed to better elucidate the pathophysiology components of depressive incidences through obesity and associated immunological alterations. Conclusions: The pathophysiological scenario of obesity is closely related to changes in immune function, and these may promote depressive symptoms through various physiological mechanisms and thus negatively impact mental health status.
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