The teaching and foundations of dynamically oriented psychotherapy treatment: the 24-year experience of the Fundação Universitária Mário Martins de Porto Alegre - Part II
In the first part of this work, what and how to teach psychotherapy was addressed through clinical material. The importance of the complete evaluation of the patient was highlighted, emphasizing the importance of establishing the focus of work. The need for treatment planning, shared with the patient, was addressed, which included the objectives to be achieved and the establishment of the work contract. The importance of understanding and using transference and countertransference and a more active attitude that contemplates the use of a wide range of interventions beyond transference interpretations was pointed out. In this II part, teaching and pedagogical didactic procedures used to achieve the intended training in psychotherapy will be addressed using clinical material, highlighting who to teach and the role of the teacher in the teaching-learning process.
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