Between fantasy and action: sexual pathologies on the web
Internet, paraphilias, zoophilia, cybersexualityAbstract
Access to the world wide web has allowed the establishment of virtual relationships less committed with reality and has favored the acceptance of unusual and inappropriate sexual practices. Currently, several communication platforms are driven by users, who are responsible for uploading contents that create interactions, the exchange of materials, and online relationships. One might consider that the democratization of sexuality in virtual environments could bring benefits; however, excess information with no criteria and easy access to photos, videos, and other materials may cause harm. Some web sites currently available allow the dissemination of paraphilic fantasies, e.g., zoophilia (sexual arousalor sexual practices involving animals), which, from a medical point of view, is an underinvestigated disorder of sexual preference. Establishing limits for Internet-mediated relationships and assessing their consequences in real life is a difficult but necessary task.
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