Use of drugs by individuals with severe mental disorders: perception of the user and their family members
Comorbidity, family, substance-related disordersAbstract
Among psychiatric comorbidities, the association of severe mental disorders (SMD) with substancerelated disorders (SRD) stands out. The prevalence of this comorbidity varies from 20 to 42%. The use of drugs presents a bidirectional relationship with SMD, impairing the evolution of both conditions. In this study, we assessed the perception of people presenting with comorbid SRD and SMD, admitted to the psychiatric ward of a general hospital, and that of their family members, with regard to the impact of drug use on the patient’s disorder. SRD was assessed using the Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test as well as the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. The perception of users and family members was assessed using the following triggering questions: “Do you think your drug use has an impact on your psychiatric problem?”; “On a scale from 0 to 10, what is the impact of drug use on your mental disorder?”; and “Can you explain your answer?” A total of 110 patients and their family members were assessed; 31% currently presented addiction on some drug (tobacco excluded). The most frequent diagnoses were schizophrenia and bipolar affective disorder. Among drug users, the mean score assigned to the impact of drug use on the mental disorder was 4.5, compared to 7.8 among family members. For dependents, self-medicati on, the fact of belonging to a group and diffi culti es related to maintaining selfcontrol justi fi ed the use of drugs; for family members, the negati ve impact and fear of the future emerged as concerns. The diff erent percepti ons between pati ents and family members indicates the need to adapt approach strategies.
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