Burnout in professors at a University in Sinop, MT, Brazil
professional burnout, university professors, mental health, burnout, psychological stressAbstract
Introduction: Burnout syndrome is characterized by physical exhaustion mainly related to work, reaching professional areas that have direct contact with other people. It is defined by a triad that includes emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and reduced personal fulfillment. Aim: It was to describe the incidence of the Syndrome in teachers of the Pos-Graduate Program in Letters at the State University of Mato Grosso (UNEMAT/Sinop). Method: It was a quantitative research. We used a descriptive cross-sectional, and the Maslach Burnout Inventory - General Survey questionnaire as a basis for data collection, which evaluates and quantifies individual responses to compose the triad. Results: It was possible to identify an average of moderate Burnout in the researched professors, with emotional exhaustion being the predominant factor. Conclusios: It was verified the need to obtain and disseminate more information about the symptoms of burnout so that it can be prevented or even treated, in a way that brings benefits both to the individual and to the institution.
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