Clinical use, misuse and abuse of benzodiazepines: a review


  • João Romildo Bueno Professor Titular – Instituto de Psiquiatria - Faculdade de Medicina-UFRJ



anxiety, treatment, benzodiazepines, drugs dependency


Objective: The objective of this review is to critically analyze the use of anxiolytics, their advantages and risks. Method: A bibliographic and historical research was conducted on the evolution of the use of anxiolytics in psychiatry, their misuse, the resulting abuse and the risks of dependence inherent in these situations. Results: The clinical effects of benzodiazepines were contrasted with the current trend of using neurotransmitter reuptake inhibitor antidepressants in anxiety disorders. Conclusion: It is concluded that benzodiazepines continue to be very useful substances in daily clinical practice.


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Author Biography

João Romildo Bueno, Professor Titular – Instituto de Psiquiatria - Faculdade de Medicina-UFRJ


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How to Cite

Bueno JR. Clinical use, misuse and abuse of benzodiazepines: a review. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2012 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Sep. 19];2(3):6-11. Available from:



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