Multiple murder: what do we know?




homicide, crime, psychopathology, personality disorder


Introduction: A homicidal event with the presence of several victims can be defined as a multiple murder, but this term refers to a broader category that includes the sub-classifications: mass murder, serial murder and lightning murder. Objective: To review the definitions of these terms, addressing the psychiatric aspects that may be present in each type of multiple homicide, seeking to update the medical profession and other professionals who work with this theme and to implement their investigation, assessment and treatment actions. Method: Narrative review to discuss the state of the art and update knowledge on multiple murder. Discussion: The literature indicates that mass murder, serial murder and lightning murder have specific characteristics that go beyond the number of victims and include the psychopathological characteristics of their perpetrators, from the absence of any psychiatric disorder to antisocial and narcissistic disorders or psychotics. Conclusion: The knowledge of their definitions and particularities enables the proper use of terms, as well as aids diagnostic reasoning about psychiatric disorders that may be present in criminals who commit such acts.


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How to Cite

Silva SMM da, Silva CGS, Telles B de B, Barros AJS, Telles LE de B. Multiple murder: what do we know?. Debates em Psiquiatria [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 16 [cited 2024 Dec. 22];11:1-22. Available from:

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